Awaken Harmony Within

Crystal Alchemy Sound Healing

“There’s no organ system in the body that’s not affected by sound, music, and vibration. You can look at disease as a form of disharmony.” - Mitchell Gaynor

Moonlight Sound & Vibrational Healing

When the moon is shining at its brightest & fullest, we are receiving maximum light and vitality as the sun's rays bounce off of the lunar surface. What better time for clarity and action. A time of releasing, welcoming closure, and gathering energy to bring things to completion.

Join us in harnessing this energy creating a vibrational transmission to see what we already know and move in the direction we want to go. Through each unique sound experience, we’ll connect to nature, energetic elements of the chakras, and the physical and physiological functions of the body, mind and spirit. These sound healing tools create vibrational medicine with the deepest intention to offer individuals peace, relaxation, release, and reset.

A meditative sound concert that washes away stress and brings you to a state of relaxation, activating your body's own natural system of self-healing. 

Endocrine System Healing Transmission

Activate and rebalance your body’s chemistry with a special focus on the endocrine glands with this unique healing sound bath.

This 75-minute healing journey is designed to bring harmony and deep relaxation as we move seamlessly through the endocrine system , from the creative glands through the body to the pineal gland.

How is Sound Healing effective?

Sound waves influence our emotional bodies as well as our physical bodies. Different sound vibrations interact with our physical and energetic bodies in beneficial ways including:

  • Unlocking Blocked Emotions

  • Relieving Anxiety and Stress

  • Inducing Complete Relaxation

  • Promoting Deep Meditation

  • Increasing Clarity

  • Improving our Ability to Concentrate

  • Relieving Insomnia

  • Decreasing Depression

  • Normalizing Blood Pressure

  • Relieving Physical Pain

  • Releasing Emotional Trauma

  • Activating Higher States of Consciousness

Gong vibrations impact the body and its meridians, releasing blocks, reducing tension, and stimulating circulation. The gong changes the feelings that are blocked by cutting the thoughts that sustain and recreate the feelings.